Degrowth as a concrete utopia

[Riccardo Mastini/ Open Democracy/07 de noviembre de 2018] The emergence of interest in degrowth can be traced back to the 1st International Degrowth Conference organized in Paris in 2008. At this conference, degrowth was defined as a “voluntary transition towards a just, participatory, and ecologically sustainable society,” so challenging the dogma of economic growth. Another five international conferences were organized between 2010 and 2018, with … Continue reading Degrowth as a concrete utopia

Animation: To change the system we need systemic alternatives

This two-minute animation is based on the premise that we are facing a systemic crises and that we need systemic alternatives to capitalism, productivism, extractivism, patriarchy, plutocracy and anthropocentrism. Continue reading Animation: To change the system we need systemic alternatives


By Geneviève Azam The economic growth paradigm is central to the representations of the world and the economic policies that have emerged since 1945. However, the notion of economic growth as a regular, ongoing, self-sustained process – which reached its peak during the so-called “Glorious Thirty”[1] years – has fallen apart. This post-World War II period, in which growth became a necessary condition for social … Continue reading Degrowth


Por Geneviève Azam El paradigma del crecimiento económico ha sido central en las representaciones del mundo y las políticas económicas que se desarrollaron desde 1945. Sin embargo, se ha apagado el crecimiento económico como un proceso regular, continuo, auto-suficiente, que llegó a su apogeo en los “gloriosos treinta” entre el boom de la posguerra y la crisis del petróleo de (1945-1973). El crecimiento, que fue, … Continue reading Decrecimiento


The premise of this publication is that we are living a systemic crisis that can only be solved through systemic alternatives. Humanity is facing a complex set of crises from environmental, economic, social to civilizational crisis. All of these crises are part of a whole.  We cannot solve one of these crises without addressing the others. Each one is constantly receiving a strong feedback from … Continue reading Introduction


La presente publicación parte de la premisa de que estamos viviendo una crisis sistémica que sólo puede ser resuelta con alternativas sistémicas. Lo que la humanidad enfrenta no es sólo una crisis ambiental, económica, social, geopolítica, institucional o civilizatoria. Todas estas crisis son parte de un todo. Es imposible resolver una de estas crisis sin abordar las otras en su conjunto. Cada una de estas … Continue reading Introducción

Book: Systemic Alternatives

[Versión en Español] The premise of this publication is that we are living a systemic crisis that can only be solved through systemic alternatives. Humanity is facing a complex set of crises from environmental, economic, social to civilizational crisis. All of these crises are part of a whole. We cannot solve one of these crises without addressing the others. The construction of complementarities between Vivir … Continue reading Book: Systemic Alternatives

Libro: Alternativas Sistémicas

[English version] La presente publicación parte de la premisa de que estamos viviendo una crisis sistémica que sólo puede ser resuelta con alternativas sistémicas. Lo que la humanidad enfrenta no es sólo una crisis ambiental, económica, social, geopolítica, institucional o civilizatoria. Todas estas crisis son parte de un todo. Es imposible resolver una de estas crisis sin abordar las otras en su conjunto. La construcción … Continue reading Libro: Alternativas Sistémicas

The Degrowth Alternative

  [Giorgos Kallis, feb/2015, Great Transition Initiative] Both the name and the theory of degrowth aim explicitly to repoliticize environmentalism. Sustainable development and its more recent reincarnation “green growth” depoliticize genuine political antagonisms between alternative visions for the future. They render environmental problems technical, promising win-win solutions and the impossible goal of perpetuating economic growth without harming the environment. Ecologizing society, degrowthers argue, is not … Continue reading The Degrowth Alternative

Time for degrowth: to save the planet, we must shrink the economy

[August 23, 2016, The Conversation] What is so refreshing about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is that they recognise the inherent tension between economic development and the ecology of our planet. Or so it seems. The preamble affirms that “planet Earth and its ecosystems are our home” and underscores the necessity of achieving “harmony with nature”. It commits to holding global warming below 2℃, and … Continue reading Time for degrowth: to save the planet, we must shrink the economy


[26/09/2016, Vincent Liegey, Green European Journal] These days, the degrowth movement is not interested in provocation anymore. Instead it wants to stimulate discussions amongst the people who believe that it is possible to decolonise our minds. Vincent Liegey, the coordinator of the latest Degrowth Conference says that the movement’s impact is already visible in many party programmes. What is your experience as a degrowth campaigner? … Continue reading THE MALAISE OF THE OLD LEFT REPRESENTS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DEGROWTH

Why the degrowth debate is gaining momentum

[Nick Meynen, 02-09-2016] Reporting from The 5th International Degrowth Conference in Budapest – which continues today and tomorrow – NICK MEYNEN explores the new narrative of ‘sufficiency’ being discussed and and asks will it catch on before it’s too late? “Many of the scientists here have calculated that we are looking at a collapse of society within this century if we continue on this growth … Continue reading Why the degrowth debate is gaining momentum

Qu’est-ce que la décroissance ?

English version Geneviève Azam Le débat sur la croissance a été publiquement amorcé à la fin des années 1960 et au début des années 1970. De manière non exhaustive, citons le rapport Meadows pour le Club de Rome en 1972[1], la Conférence des Nations Unies à Stockholm en 1972, la position de Sicco Manscholt[2] en 1972 (alors vice-président de la commission européenne). Quoi que nous … Continue reading Qu’est-ce que la décroissance ?

El Decálogo del Decrecimiento

[Antonio Cerrillo, La Vanguardia, España, 04/01/2014] Las corrientes de pensamiento que cuestionan la idea del crecimiento ganan terreno y afianzan los valores no materiales para reinterpretar el bienestar Muchos españoles escuchan el pronóstico de un aumento del PIB como quien pone el termómetro para saber la temperatura de su felicidad. Pero diversas corrientes del pensamiento cuestionan que el tan traído y llevado crecimiento vaya a … Continue reading El Decálogo del Decrecimiento

Notes for the debate: Deglobalization

Versión en español Download this text in PDF format World Integration for People and Nature What is Deglobalization? To answer that question, we must first be clear on our definition of globalization. Dr. Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan has compiled around one hundred definitions of globalization in his paper, “Definitions of Globalization: A Comprehensive Overview and a Proposed Definition.”1 The majority tend to define the term as … Continue reading Notes for the debate: Deglobalization

Escaping the ‘iron cage’ of consumerism

[Tim Jackson] Society is faced with a profound dilemma. To resist economic growth is to court economic and social collapse. To pursue it relentlessly is to endanger the ecosystems on which we depend for long-term survival. For the most part, this dilemma goes unrecognised in government policy. It is only marginally more visible as a public debate. When reality begins to impinge on the collective … Continue reading Escaping the ‘iron cage’ of consumerism

Prosperity without growth?

[Tim Jackson]  Economic growth is supposed to deliver prosperity. Higher incomes should mean better choices, richer lives, an improved quality of life for us all. That at least is the conventional wisdom. But things haven’t always turned out that way. Summary Economic growth is supposed to deliver prosperity. Higher incomes should mean better choices, richer lives, an improved quality of life for us all. That … Continue reading Prosperity without growth?

Poner la vida en el centro: respuestas del ecofeminismo y del decrecimiento a la UE

[Ecologistas en Acción, 2010] La Unión Europea es una de las regiones más ricas del planeta. Es rica porque la mayoría de los países que la constituyen tiene un PIB alto. Esto es valorado como algo positivo, porque el PIB indica que el capital de los países y sus economías crecen. Los indicadores económicos, como el PIB y el PNB, contabilizan el conjunto de bienes … Continue reading Poner la vida en el centro: respuestas del ecofeminismo y del decrecimiento a la UE