Animation: To change the system we need systemic alternatives

This two-minute animation is based on the premise that we are facing a systemic crises and that we need systemic alternatives to capitalism, productivism, extractivism, patriarchy, plutocracy and anthropocentrism. Continue reading Animation: To change the system we need systemic alternatives

Promoting the Commons in the Time of Monsters

Can the Commons and peer-to-peer (P2P) practices really offer viable solutions for our present and future social, political and ecological crises? Spain’s municipal successes remind us who the victor was in the battle between David and Goliath. The Commons is maturing politically, its methods and principles becoming more visible and its participants winning municipal elections in a variety of European cities. How did this happen, … Continue reading Promoting the Commons in the Time of Monsters

The Commons

By Christophe Aguiton[1] In academic and activist circles today, there is a lot of discussion on the “common goods” or the “commons.” What are the commons? Is it right to talk about common “goods” as physical or natural resources or knowledge? Or, on the contrary, are the commons a kind of social relation or a way of collectively managing the different elements and processes that … Continue reading The Commons

Los Comunes

Por Christophe Aguiton[1] Los “bienes comunes” o los “comunes” concentran hoy mucha discusión en círculos de académicos y activistas. ¿Qué son los comunes? ¿Es correcto hablar de “bienes” comunes como si se tratara de recursos físicos, naturales o del conocimiento? O, por el contrario, ¿los comunes son un tipo de relación social, una forma de gestión social de diferentes elementos y procesos necesarios para la … Continue reading Los Comunes


The premise of this publication is that we are living a systemic crisis that can only be solved through systemic alternatives. Humanity is facing a complex set of crises from environmental, economic, social to civilizational crisis. All of these crises are part of a whole.  We cannot solve one of these crises without addressing the others. Each one is constantly receiving a strong feedback from … Continue reading Introduction


La presente publicación parte de la premisa de que estamos viviendo una crisis sistémica que sólo puede ser resuelta con alternativas sistémicas. Lo que la humanidad enfrenta no es sólo una crisis ambiental, económica, social, geopolítica, institucional o civilizatoria. Todas estas crisis son parte de un todo. Es imposible resolver una de estas crisis sin abordar las otras en su conjunto. Cada una de estas … Continue reading Introducción

Book: Systemic Alternatives

[Versión en Español] The premise of this publication is that we are living a systemic crisis that can only be solved through systemic alternatives. Humanity is facing a complex set of crises from environmental, economic, social to civilizational crisis. All of these crises are part of a whole. We cannot solve one of these crises without addressing the others. The construction of complementarities between Vivir … Continue reading Book: Systemic Alternatives

Libro: Alternativas Sistémicas

[English version] La presente publicación parte de la premisa de que estamos viviendo una crisis sistémica que sólo puede ser resuelta con alternativas sistémicas. Lo que la humanidad enfrenta no es sólo una crisis ambiental, económica, social, geopolítica, institucional o civilizatoria. Todas estas crisis son parte de un todo. Es imposible resolver una de estas crisis sin abordar las otras en su conjunto. La construcción … Continue reading Libro: Alternativas Sistémicas

5 Reasons Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment Matters

[07/06/2015, Reynard Loki, Alternet] The first encyclical on the environment in the history of the Catholic Church has its detractors, but it also has the power to inspire meaningful climate action. Pope Francis’ forthcoming encyclical on the environment has been described as “long-awaited” and “much-anticipated.” Indeed, as Peter Smith, who covers religion for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, recently put it: “Rarely in modern times has a … Continue reading 5 Reasons Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment Matters

The Commons as a Transformative Vision

[David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, in The Wealth of the Commons] It has become increasingly clear that we are poised between an old world that no longer works and a new one struggling to be born. Surrounded by an archaic order of centralized hierarchies on the one hand and predatory markets on the other, presided over by a state committed to planet-destroying economic growth, people … Continue reading The Commons as a Transformative Vision

Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Commons

[David Bollier & Burns H. Weston,] At least since Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, we have known about humankind’s squandering of nonrenewable resources, its careless disregard of precious life species and its overall contamination and degradation of delicate ecosystems. In recent decades, these defilements have assumed a systemic dimension. Lately we have come to realize the shocking extent to which our atmospheric emission of carbon dioxide … Continue reading Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Commons

Nuevas pistas para la transición poscapitalista a partir de la gestión colectiva de los bienes comunes

[Fundación Solón, noviembre de 2013] Investigadores, académicos y activistas de varios países de América Latina y Europa aportaron nuevos elementos y propuestas concretas para la elaboración colectiva de modelos de desarrollo alternativos en la “Conferencia internacional bienes comunes y nuevos paradigmas civilizatorios” que sesionó en la ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia, del 18 al 20 de noviembre de 2013. Hace más de dos años, activistas, … Continue reading Nuevas pistas para la transición poscapitalista a partir de la gestión colectiva de los bienes comunes

The Next New Economy. How a global phenomenon takes off in one city

[Jessica Conrad, March 2014] At half past three in the morning, Alec Johnson rolls out of bed, puts on his uniform, and walks a block to one of Nice Ride’s bike sharing stations in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis. He unlocks a neon green bike and pedals down the Midtown Greenway, a former railroad corridor that now features biking and walking paths, to his job … Continue reading The Next New Economy. How a global phenomenon takes off in one city

David Harvey interview: The importance of postcapitalist imagination

[David Harvey, 2013] Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from an interview that ran in Red Pepper and the Irish Left Review in which Harvey sets out some ideas from his new book on the contradictions of capital. He says creating a post-capitalist world requires changing the monetary system and creating a common property regime. Q. Is the era of finance capitalism which has developed … Continue reading David Harvey interview: The importance of postcapitalist imagination

Entrevista a François Houtart

El desafío fundamental para Bolivia, Venezuela y Ecuador es definir la transición bajo un nuevo paradigma poscapitalista. [Katu Arkonada, La Época, 6 de noviembre de 2013]. Katu Arkonada (KA): ¿François, como caracterizas el actual momento histórico y la coyuntura política de América Latina? François Houtart (FH): En primer lugar debemos decir que es el único continente en el mundo donde existen esfuerzos por salir del … Continue reading Entrevista a François Houtart

From “Common Goods” to “The Common Good of Humanity”

[François Houtart, November 2011]  “…a complete theoretical rethinking is necessary, on the one hand dealing with all the elements that have led the world into a systemic crisis situa- tion and with the wearing out of a historical model; and on the other hand, redefining the objectives of a new social construct that is respectful of nature and capable of ensuring human life as a … Continue reading From “Common Goods” to “The Common Good of Humanity”