Presentación del libro “El cóndor necio y el dragón al acecho”

Por Juan Pablo Neri Discurso presentado en la Casa Museo Solón, 4 de abril de 2024 Agradecimientos, Antes de iniciar la presentación, me gustaría realizar algunos apuntes de contexto, que me parecen cruciales. Creo que no puede caber duda que ya estamos en un periodo de transformación profunda del sistema mundial. Es decir, no es que esa transformación va a llegar en el futuro, como … Continue reading Presentación del libro “El cóndor necio y el dragón al acecho”

Los cipayos neoliberales defienden el arbitraje

Por Alberto Acosta, Ecuador “¿Está usted de acuerdo que el Estado ecuatoriano promueva la inversión extranjera y reconozca el arbitraje internacional como método para solucionar controversias en materia de inversión, contractuales o comerciales, de manera que se ofrezca a los inversores extranjeros un entorno apropiado de seguridad jurídica que genere mayores oportunidades de empleo y afiancen la dolarización?” -Pregunta (4) del referéndum del 21 de abril … Continue reading Los cipayos neoliberales defienden el arbitraje


Chapter Five of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here There is no question that the advancement of technology, including something still yet to be fully understood, such as Artificial Intelligence, automated systems and all its elements, has the potential for both good but also for incredible harm. Yes, advancements in this field have made great strides in information technologies, communications, and other areas. … Continue reading Afterthoughts

The AI “arms race”

Chapter Three of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here This chapter then delves into the problems and dangers around the haste and hubris of prioritizing winning this so called race and generating this unrealistic hype around AI chatbots, consequences can be dealt with later, if they can. Again, this publication is delving into these two examples of text to image generation and the … Continue reading The AI “arms race”

Amazing Artificial Intelligence*

*But at the cost of ethics, theft, racist algorithms, invasion of privacy, and violation of rights?  by Mary Louise Malig Read the publication in full here Contents: IntroductionI. What is Artificial Intelligence?II. The controversy of AI art theftIII. The AI “arms race”IV. The urgency for policies to protect peopleV. Afterthoughts Introduction Science fiction books, movies and pop culture have made the term or concept “artificial … Continue reading Amazing Artificial Intelligence*

The urgency for policies to protect people

Chapter Four of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here The potential for both good and harm by automated systems, new technologies and Artificial Intelligence has been well documented and examples for both sides abound. In this publication alone, a very small slice of those examples had been touched upon, both the good and the harm. There are already lawsuits being filed and civil … Continue reading The urgency for policies to protect people

The controversy of AI art theft

Chapter Two of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here This chapter will go into the controversy around the AI tools being used to generate images from text, the issue of where those images were taken from, data laundering and the absolute lack of consent from billions of artists. Before delving into this second chapter, it is important to note that this publication is … Continue reading The controversy of AI art theft

What is Artificial Intelligence

Chapter One of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here As stated in the introduction, Artificial Intelligence or AI for short is generally defined as the general ability of computers to emulate human thought and perform tasks in real-world environments – such as perceiving, analyzing, understanding and collating for synthesizing. Or as the Oxford dictionary defines it more technically, Artificial Intelligence is the theory … Continue reading What is Artificial Intelligence

Decoding the digital economy

by Mary Louise Malig Read the publication in full here Content:IntroductionScope of the Digital EconomyThe Platform EconomyThe Value of DataThe Technology of the Digital WorldPreliminary conclusions and Afterthoughts Introduction Have you ever taken a ride in an Uber or Lyft? Do you have a room or apartment that you have registered as a place to rent out on AirBnB? Have you ever bought and downloaded … Continue reading Decoding the digital economy

Desafíos civilizatorios y paralelos impertinentes

Por Elizabeth Peredo Beltrán

La pandemia covid-19 se ha cobrado casi dos millones y medio de vidas humanas y mantiene confinada a más de un tercio de la población mundial bajo políticas de contención, control y eliminación que aún no logran estabilizarse. A medida que avanza el tiempo, la incertidumbre, la tristeza y la sensación de fragilidad van ganando terreno mientras que las soluciones que los gobiernos van probando parecen no encontrar aún un curso definitivo ante serios desafíos en su implementación.

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¿Cómo evitamos el destino de los dinosaurios?

[English] Un diálogo entre Walden Bello de Filipinas y Pablo Solón de Bolivia Walden Bello es un reconocido sociólogo de las Filipinas, autor de muchos libros siendo el más reciente “La contrarrevolución: el ascenso global de la extrema derecha”. Walden fue Director Ejecutivo de Focus on the Global South un centro de reflexión y acción en el Sudeste Asiático. Pablo Solón es un activista social … Continue reading ¿Cómo evitamos el destino de los dinosaurios?

Alternative sistemiche: di cosa parliamo?

Pablo Solón

La premessa delle alternative sistemiche è che le crisi ambientali, economiche, sociali, geopolitiche, istituzionali e di civiltà sono parte di un tutto, sono interconnesse e si rinforzano mutualmente. È quindi impossibile risolvere una di queste crisi senza affrontare le altre come parte del tutto. Strategie unidimensionali non sono in grado di risolvere le crisi sistemiche e rischiano al contrario di aggravarle. Le crisi sistemiche sono causate da insiemi di fattori quali il capitalismo, la xenofobia, il razzismo, il patriarcato, l’estrattivismo, l’antropocentrismo, la plutocrazia, il produttivismo e il colonialismo. Un’alternativa sistemica tenta di affrontare e superare le cause strutturali delle crisi sistemiche. Le alternative sistemiche non progrediscono per stadi. Non si sostiene che bisogna prima andare oltre il capitalismo per poter risolvere il patriarcato o l’antropocentrismo. Le alternative sistemiche affermano che il capitalismo, il patriarcato, l’antropocentrismo e gli altri fattori sopra menzionati sono interdipendenti e mutualmente rafforzantisi. Continue reading “Alternative sistemiche: di cosa parliamo?”

Resistir, defender los derechos de los pueblos y la Tierra, y reinventar el mundo

Simposio Alternativas Sistémicas, Itaipava (Brasil), 7-9 de abril de 2019[1]  [English, Français] Más de 50 activistas participaron en una maratón de tres días para analizar las principales tendencias de la situación mundial, establecer y profundizar sus relaciones, fortalecer las alternativas para un cambio sistémico radical y hacer avanzar el pensamiento estratégico sobre la creación de alternativas. Hay que señalar que el simposio reunió a una … Continue reading Resistir, defender los derechos de los pueblos y la Tierra, y reinventar el mundo

Social Movements: Resisting, Defending the Rights of Peoples and the Planet, Reinventing the World

Systemic Alternatives, May 2019 [Español, Français] An important symposium took place in Itaipava (Brazil),7-9 April 2019[1]. Over 50 participants came out of the marathon to analyse new and persisting trends in the global situation, build and deepen relationships, strengthen alternatives for radical systemic change, and advance strategic thinking on the creation of alternatives. What was remarkable was the mix of resistance, resilience, hope and creativity, expressed … Continue reading Social Movements: Resisting, Defending the Rights of Peoples and the Planet, Reinventing the World

Taxe « Gafa » européenne : vraie avancée ou cadeau empoisonné ?

Dans une tribune au Figaro et devant deux commissions parlementaires de l’Union européenne, Bruno Le Maire a plaidé, ce mardi 23 octobre, pour l’instauration d’une « taxe sur les géants du numérique ». Décryptage par Attac France, Anticor et Solidaires Finances Publiques. Le constat ne souffre aucun débat : les systèmes fiscaux existants sont dépassés par la numérisation de l’économie. L’impôt sur les sociétés est … Continue reading Taxe « Gafa » européenne : vraie avancée ou cadeau empoisonné ?

Why Growth Can’t Be Green

[JASON HICKEL/ FP/ 12 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2018] New data proves you can support capitalism or the environment—but it’s hard to do both. Warnings about ecological breakdown have become ubiquitous. Over the past few years, major newspapers, including the Guardian and the New York Times, have carried alarming stories on soil depletion, deforestation, and the collapse of fish stocks and insect populations. These crises are … Continue reading Why Growth Can’t Be Green

China is investing seriously in Latin America. Should you worry?

[ STEPHEN KAPLANTHE /WASHINGTON POST /24 DE ENERO] This past week, China held its second ministerial meeting with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Santiago, Chile. There China announced plans to have the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), its flagship economic and development program, invest in Latin America. During the past decade, Chinese policy banks, charged by the government to finance infrastructure … Continue reading China is investing seriously in Latin America. Should you worry?

Commons in the Time of Monsters

[ THE COMMONS TRANSITION PRIMER.] The Commons is maturing politically, its methods and principles becoming more visible and its participants winning municipal elections in a variety of European cities. How did this happen, and what happens next? First, a look at our present political context, and then some observations on the birth and trajectory of this new wave of commons politics. An article by Stacco Troncoso … Continue reading Commons in the Time of Monsters

Cuestiones de política económica para gobiernos de izquierda

[GUSTAVO CODAS / IADE – RE (INSTITUTO ARGENTINO PARA EL DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO)] Este texto forma parte del libro América Latina. Huellas y retos del ciclo progresista, publicado recientemente por la Editorial Sudestada. Con autorización de su autor, reproducimos el material que propone una “aproximación crítica” y un “balance de las políticas económicas implementadas” en la región.  Este texto ha sido publicado con autorizacion del autor. En … Continue reading Cuestiones de política económica para gobiernos de izquierda

EU-LatAm trade deal good for agribusiness; bad for Amazon, climate

[ Sue Branford on 18 December 2017] The EU-Mercosur trade deal, being concluded this month by the European Union and the South American trade bloc (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay) is being negotiated in secret. However, part of the document has been leaked to Greenpeace, alarming environmentalists. The leaked secret trade documents show that the accord would encourage the export of high-value goods, like automobiles, from … Continue reading EU-LatAm trade deal good for agribusiness; bad for Amazon, climate