The WTO and the havoc in the global supreme court of free trade

by Mary Louise Malig Read the publication in full here Content: Introduction Breaking down the Dispute Settlement Mechanism Bully capitalism versus the Appellate Body The interim dysfunctional way of settling disputes and the reform proposals The barely functioning and non-functional pillars of the WTO Introduction Back in 1995, when the World Trade Organization (WTO) had just started, it was the talk of the town. This … Continue reading The WTO and the havoc in the global supreme court of free trade

Coronavirus: A Civilisation at the crossroads of capitalist chaos or the return to Nature

Elizabeth Peredo Beltrán

Collaborative Translation: Charlotte Nordgreen Swell [1]

The planet is struggling between chaos and balance, between dystopia and possible horizons.

As coronavirus gains notoriety as a vector of chaos through its exponential advance in a globalized, unjust world, the more it seems to obscure the gravity of other crises that are symptoms of a deadly disease: the erosion of commons, the climate crisis, the loss of biodiversity, the displacement of large social groups towards precariousness, the exacerbation of violences and patriarchal violence. In short… the sacrifice of humans and nature for the concentration of wealth in very few hands. Continue reading “Coronavirus: A Civilisation at the crossroads of capitalist chaos or the return to Nature”

L’agent invisible qui a mis à nu la sacralité du multilatéralisme

[Español] José Carlos Solón En 1992, alors que les Nations Unies consolidaient les bases du développement durable lors du Sommet de la Terre à Rio de Janeiro, trois conventions ont été ratifiées à partir de ce sommet : celle de la lutte contre la désertification, celle au sujet du changement climatique et celle pour la diversité biologique. Ces conventions ont marqué le commencement d’une nouvelle … Continue reading L’agent invisible qui a mis à nu la sacralité du multilatéralisme

Will the coronavirus end capitalism?

Xavier Ricard Lanata: The dilemmas of the reconfiguration of capitalism The crisis of globalization comes from 2008. Commercial exchanges have been declining. There was a contraction process that predated the virus. Now the virus has aggravated this situation. What is going to happen? Those who are creditors of capital will look for ways to increase the value of it at any cost. In the northern … Continue reading Will the coronavirus end capitalism?

¿Acabará el coronavirus con el capitalismo?

Hay quienes así lo piensan por la caída de las bolsas de valores, la profunda afectación al comercio y la globalización, la disminución de las tasas de interés, el colapso de sectores íntegros de la economía, la quiebra de empresas capitalistas, el desplome de los precios de varias materias primas, el desempleo creciente y la caída dramática del consumo. Xavier Ricard Lanata (XRL), antropólogo y … Continue reading ¿Acabará el coronavirus con el capitalismo?

Trumpism is capitalism’s Plan B

[Nick Dearden, June 3, 2019, Red Pepper] “I’ve travelled 24 hours, from Manila to Rio, to be here, yet politically I feel I haven’t left home.” Walden Bello, leading light of the ‘anti-globalisation movement’ and former Filipino congressman reflected on the rise of authoritarian right-wing ‘strong men’ from the Philippines to Brazil. I joined him in Brazil to assess what has changed in the 20 … Continue reading Trumpism is capitalism’s Plan B

Why Growth Can’t Be Green

[JASON HICKEL/ FP/ 12 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2018] New data proves you can support capitalism or the environment—but it’s hard to do both. Warnings about ecological breakdown have become ubiquitous. Over the past few years, major newspapers, including the Guardian and the New York Times, have carried alarming stories on soil depletion, deforestation, and the collapse of fish stocks and insect populations. These crises are … Continue reading Why Growth Can’t Be Green

Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise

[NAFEEZ AHMED/ MOTHERBOARD/27 DE AGOSTO DE 2018) A climate change-fueled switch away from fossil fuels means the worldwide economy will fundamentally need to change. Capitalism as we know it is over. So suggests a new report commissioned by a group of scientists appointed by the UN Secretary-General. The main reason? We’re transitioning rapidly to a radically different global economy, due to our increasingly unsustainable exploitation … Continue reading Scientists Warn the UN of Capitalism’s Imminent Demise

Let’s Just Admit It: Capitalism Doesn’t Work

[John Atcheson, Common Dreams, 13.11.17] “In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy.”—Fran Lebowitz “To comprehend the scope of corporate consolidation, imagine a day in the life of a typical American and ask: How long does it take for her to interact with a market that isn’t nearly monopolized?” (Photo: Jonny White/cc/flickr) In almost every way you examine … Continue reading Let’s Just Admit It: Capitalism Doesn’t Work

What is Systemic Alternatives?

Español We are experiencing a systemic crisis that can only be solved through systemic alternatives. What humanity is facing is not only an environmental crisis, an economic crisis, a social crisis or an institutional crisis. It is a crisis of humanity and of the Earth system. This systemic crisis has been triggered by the capitalist system, whose relentless pursuit of endless growth and profits at … Continue reading What is Systemic Alternatives?

Climate Denial, Trumpism, and Neo-Liberalism

[William I. Robinson, 12/12/2016, Alainet] There is more than meets the eye in President-elect Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, is a notorious climate change denier. He is part of a coalition of public figures suing over EPA programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and boasts that he is “a leading advocate against the EPA’s activist … Continue reading Climate Denial, Trumpism, and Neo-Liberalism

Theses on Saving the Planet – “The Promise of Ecosocialism”

Written by Richard Smith and first published at Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières I don’t need to tell you we face an existential threat. Scientists tell us we face a “climate emergency.” Last year was the hottest year ever recorded, beating 2014, which beat 2012. We break new records every year. The fourteen hottest years ever recorded have been recorded since 2000. January and February temperatures … Continue reading Theses on Saving the Planet – “The Promise of Ecosocialism”

Final Manifesto: Third International Socialist Encounter

We, the organizations convening the Third International Ecosocialist Encounter, held in Bilbao from 23-25 September of 2016, Considering: That capitalism has been developed despite and in the face of the two basic dependencies that make human life possible. First, it ignores the fact that, like all other living species, we obtain the things we need in order to live from nature; second, it obscures the … Continue reading Final Manifesto: Third International Socialist Encounter

América Latina a la hora del lumpencapitalismo – Ilusiones progresistas devoradas por la crisis

[Jorge Beinstein, ALAI AMLATINA, 21/03/2016] La coyuntura global está marcada por una crisis deflacionaria motorizada por las grandes potencias. La caída de los precios de las commodities, cuyo aspecto más llamativo fue, desde mediados del 2014, la de las cotizaciones del petróleo, descubre el desinfle de la demanda internacional mientras tanto se estanca la ola financiera, muleta estratégica del sistema durante las últimas cuatro décadas. … Continue reading América Latina a la hora del lumpencapitalismo – Ilusiones progresistas devoradas por la crisis

La mujer que hablaba con los ríos

[Elizabeth Peredo Beltrán] “Me lo ha dicho el ta, me ha dicho el rio que triunfaremos…” eran las palabras de Berta Cáceres, activista del pueblo Lenca de Honduras cuya vida ha dejado una huella imborrable en la memoria de los pueblos y para las luchas por el agua, la ecología y el feminismo. Lo decía para animarse a seguir defendiendo su río Gualcarque en territorio … Continue reading La mujer que hablaba con los ríos

El capitalismo será derrotado por la Tierra

[30/11/2015, Leonardo Boff] Hay un hecho indiscutible y desolador: el capitalismo como modo de producción y su ideología política, el neoliberalismo, se han sedimentado globalmente de forma tan consistente que parecen hacer inviable cualquier alternativa real. De hecho, ha ocupado todos los espacios y alineado casi todos los países a sus intereses globales. Desde que la sociedad pasó a ser de mercado y todo se … Continue reading El capitalismo será derrotado por la Tierra

El Impacto de la crisis mundial sobre el modelo posneoliberal en el Ecuador

[François Houtart y Pablo Caller i Salas] Para analizar una situación, evidentemente compleja, vinculada con una coyuntura internacional caótica que escapa a la capacidad de acción de cualquier país, especialmente del Sur, se debe salir de explicaciones simples reduciendo los procesos sociales a un voluntarismo colectivo o personal, que desembocan sobre acusaciones mutuas, sin excluir la utilización de la violencia institucional o espontánea. Tampoco se … Continue reading El Impacto de la crisis mundial sobre el modelo posneoliberal en el Ecuador

Se acelera el fin del ciclo progresista

[Raúl Zibechi, La Jornada, Opinion, 30/09/2015] Cada quien elige el lugar desde el cual mira el mundo, pero esa elección tiene consecuencias y determina lo que puede ver y lo que irremediablemente se le escapa. El punto de observación no es nunca un lugar neutro, como no lo puede ser el que observa. Más aún, el observador es modelado por el lugar que elige para … Continue reading Se acelera el fin del ciclo progresista

The end of capitalism has begun

Without us noticing, we are entering the postcapitalist era. At the heart of further change to come is information technology, new ways of working and the sharing economy. The old ways will take a long while to disappear, but it’s time to be utopian [Paul Mason, 07/17/2015, The Guardian, Illustration by Joe Magee] The red flags and marching songs of Syriza during the Greek crisis, … Continue reading The end of capitalism has begun

Alain Badiou: Eleven points inspired by the situation in Greece

[Verso Books, Miri Davidson, july 09 2015] It is urgently necessary to internationalise the Greek people’s cause. Only the total elimination of the debt would bring an “ideological blow” to the current European system. 1. The Greek people’s massive “No” does not mean a rejection of Europe. It means a rejection of the bankers’ Europe, of infinite debt and of globalised capitalism. 2. Isn’t it … Continue reading Alain Badiou: Eleven points inspired by the situation in Greece