O relatório da Organização Meteorológica Mundial. Um rápido comentário

Por Luiz Marques Em março de 2024, a Organização Meteorológica Mundial lançou seu relatório anual, The State of the Global Climate 2023 (doravante OMM 2023) confirmando oficialmente seu relatório provisório de outubro de 2023[1] e o que já fora antecipado pelas agências nacionais e europeia do clima, bem como pela literatura científica recente. Citemos e comentemos cinco dos pontos mais importantes desse relatório:[2] O primeiro ponto refere-se, obviamente, … Continue reading O relatório da Organização Meteorológica Mundial. Um rápido comentário

Los cipayos neoliberales defienden el arbitraje

Por Alberto Acosta, Ecuador “¿Está usted de acuerdo que el Estado ecuatoriano promueva la inversión extranjera y reconozca el arbitraje internacional como método para solucionar controversias en materia de inversión, contractuales o comerciales, de manera que se ofrezca a los inversores extranjeros un entorno apropiado de seguridad jurídica que genere mayores oportunidades de empleo y afiancen la dolarización?” -Pregunta (4) del referéndum del 21 de abril … Continue reading Los cipayos neoliberales defienden el arbitraje

Ganó el Yasuní, ganó la humanidad

Por Pablo Solón [English, Português, Italiano] “¿Dejar el petróleo bajo tierra? ¿Renunciar a más de mil millones de dólares anuales? ¿Poner la naturaleza por encima de la economía? ¿Qué locura es esta?” Es la lógica de la naturaleza que ganó de manera contundente a la lógica de los extractivismos en la consulta popular del Ecuador. La primera vez que escuche hablar de la propuesta del Yasuní … Continue reading Ganó el Yasuní, ganó la humanidad

Voto dos equatorianos por petróleo intocado na Amazônia é sopro de esperança para a humanidade

Pablo Solón [English, Español, Italiano] A primeira vez que ouvi falar da Iniciativa Yasuní foi em 2006. Devo dizer que foi uma proposta audaciosa para a época, que propunha renunciar à exploração do petróleo desta zona megadiversa da Amazônia em troca de uma compensação econômica das principais economias do mundo. O Yasuní é a maior área protegida do Equador, considerada uma das regiões mais biodiversas … Continue reading Voto dos equatorianos por petróleo intocado na Amazônia é sopro de esperança para a humanidade

Yasuní ha vinto, l’umanità ha vinto

di Pablo Solón [English, Español, Português] “Lasciare il petrolio sottoterra? Rinunciare a più di un miliardo di dollari all’anno? Mettere la natura al di sopra dell’economia? Che follia è questa? È la logica della natura che ha prevalso in modo schiacciante sulla logica dell’estrattivismo nella consultazione popolare dell’Ecuador. La prima volta che ho sentito parlare della proposta Yasuní è stato nel 2006. Devo dire che … Continue reading Yasuní ha vinto, l’umanità ha vinto


Chapter Five of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here There is no question that the advancement of technology, including something still yet to be fully understood, such as Artificial Intelligence, automated systems and all its elements, has the potential for both good but also for incredible harm. Yes, advancements in this field have made great strides in information technologies, communications, and other areas. … Continue reading Afterthoughts

The AI “arms race”

Chapter Three of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here This chapter then delves into the problems and dangers around the haste and hubris of prioritizing winning this so called race and generating this unrealistic hype around AI chatbots, consequences can be dealt with later, if they can. Again, this publication is delving into these two examples of text to image generation and the … Continue reading The AI “arms race”

The urgency for policies to protect people

Chapter Four of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here The potential for both good and harm by automated systems, new technologies and Artificial Intelligence has been well documented and examples for both sides abound. In this publication alone, a very small slice of those examples had been touched upon, both the good and the harm. There are already lawsuits being filed and civil … Continue reading The urgency for policies to protect people

The controversy of AI art theft

Chapter Two of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here This chapter will go into the controversy around the AI tools being used to generate images from text, the issue of where those images were taken from, data laundering and the absolute lack of consent from billions of artists. Before delving into this second chapter, it is important to note that this publication is … Continue reading The controversy of AI art theft

What is Artificial Intelligence

Chapter One of Amazing Artificial Intelligence* Read the publication in full here As stated in the introduction, Artificial Intelligence or AI for short is generally defined as the general ability of computers to emulate human thought and perform tasks in real-world environments – such as perceiving, analyzing, understanding and collating for synthesizing. Or as the Oxford dictionary defines it more technically, Artificial Intelligence is the theory … Continue reading What is Artificial Intelligence

¿Que sigue para Bolivia tras la detención de Camacho?

Pablo Solón [English] El 28 de diciembre el gobierno de Bolivia detuvo de manera violenta al gobernador de Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, porque no se presentó a declarar en el “caso Golpe I”. Camacho es acusado de terrorismo por su rol en las protestas de octubre y noviembre de 2019 que llevaron a la renuncia de Evo Morales y al gobierno de Jeanine Añez. Grupos de la población … Continue reading ¿Que sigue para Bolivia tras la detención de Camacho?

What’s Next for Bolivia After Camacho’s Arrest?

Pablo Solón [Español] On December 28, Bolivian authorities violently detained the governor of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, because he did not appear to testify in the case known as “Golpe I.” Camacho is accused of terrorism for his role in the October-November 2019 protests that led to the resignation of Evo Morales and to the interim government of Jeanine Áñez. In Santa Cruz, groups reacted immediately to Camacho’s … Continue reading What’s Next for Bolivia After Camacho’s Arrest?

8 de janeiro: Contradições e alternativas na luta contra o fascismo

José Correa Leite, 13 de janeiro de 2023 Abriu-se uma luta democrática decisiva contra a impunidade, a violência, o descaso pela vida, a milicianização e a militarização da sociedade. Seu foco é a responsabilização criminal de Bolsonaro e associados pelo golpe que tentaram perpetrar contra o resultado da eleição de 2022. A posse de Lula se deu em 2 de janeiro, em um Brasil de … Continue reading 8 de janeiro: Contradições e alternativas na luta contra o fascismo

Llamado internacional por una Cumbre Climática Mundial de la Madre Tierra 

Nuestra América, 21 de Diciembre de 2022 Sr. Presidente Gustavo Petro Urrego de la República de ColombiaSra. Vicepresidenta Francia Elena Márquez Mina El Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur solicita al gobierno colombiano que convoque, organice y realice una Cumbre Climática Mundial de la Madre Tierra, el año 2023 en Colombia A más de dos años del inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, a lo … Continue reading Llamado internacional por una Cumbre Climática Mundial de la Madre Tierra 

Earth Assemblies for Climate Justice

After 30 years of climate negotiations it is clear that the United Nations will not produce the result we need to deal with the climate collapse. COP27, far from increasing contributions to reduce greenhouse gases and honoring the historical climate debt from industrialized economies to countries and people that have contributed very little to climate change, is instead marked by intense lobbying from governments and … Continue reading Earth Assemblies for Climate Justice

Decoding the digital economy

by Mary Louise Malig Read the publication in full here Content:IntroductionScope of the Digital EconomyThe Platform EconomyThe Value of DataThe Technology of the Digital WorldPreliminary conclusions and Afterthoughts Introduction Have you ever taken a ride in an Uber or Lyft? Do you have a room or apartment that you have registered as a place to rent out on AirBnB? Have you ever bought and downloaded … Continue reading Decoding the digital economy

Preliminary conclusions and Afterthoughts

There is no doubt that the digital economy is vast and complex and with the rapid changes in technology that impacts various elements, the understanding of all its moving parts is therefore a challenge in and of itself. The innovations that led to even more progress in new technologies, infrastructure, software, programs, algorithms, blockchain technologies and information, communications technologies, have had and continue to have … Continue reading Preliminary conclusions and Afterthoughts

The Technology of the Digital World

Innovation has moved forward the development of new digital technologies, improvement of older models of software or hardware, and research and development for even more, keeping up with the growth of the digital economy. There are many new digital technologies, but for this paper, we have selected a few key ones that are critical in enabling the digital economy and serve as the building blocks … Continue reading The Technology of the Digital World

The Value of Data

It is quite important to note that all the issues discussed in the preceding chapters on digital platforms, the digital economy and all the layers to it, that none of that would be possible without data. In the digital economy, data is the new oil. It is an extremely valuable resource that fuels the whole system. Data is not only valuable to the corporations that … Continue reading The Value of Data

The Platform Economy

Digital platforms are best described as a technology based space which facilitates the meeting and matching of individuals or businesses that would not have otherwise met. For example, a digital platform, using its data driven infrastructure and operations, is able to then more effectively bring together sellers and consumers who have the same interests and are suited for each other. There are two types of … Continue reading The Platform Economy